16 Pomeroy Rd - Athens, OH 45701 Call (740) 447-9100 for an appointment!
Deworming Recommendations
1. Adult Deworming Protocol: The American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends twice yearly deworming of adult horses, but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to have your veterinarian perform Fecal Egg Counts every year to evaluate for parasite resistance. A Fecal Egg Count takes roughly 20 minutes to perform and gives information about how effective your deworming protocol is. Unfortunately after using the same medications for the past 40+ years, many parasites have developed resistance to many of the common dewormer products. Deworming is considered most effective near the end of grazing season (autumn in North America) when parasite load is likely highest. A cestocide (praziquantal) is recommended for at least one of the two treatments.
**Remember to read the active ingredient. For example fenbendazole is the active ingredient in Panacur and Safeguard.
2. Foal/Weanling Deworming Protocol At this age, foals are much more prone to roundworm infections. Foals should be dewormed a minimum of 4 times within their first year of life: 1) 2-3 months of age, 2) weaning age (4-6 months), 3) 9 months, 4) 12 months. A Fecal Egg Count is recommended at the 9 month period to ensure that the deworming protocol is effective.